PacWest Rules
Rules and Regulations
PacWest is committed to the growth of fun, exciting barrel racing for all ages and levels. We promote the sport to the best of our ability, with great focus on the horse and rider
safety at all times.
Slot and futurity rules
Horse Substitution:
Horse subs made in the open race must be made before end of day when online pre entries close. (open races only) (Futurity horses please read the slot race and futurity rules above). You must fill out a change form and submit to the office. There will be a $10 fee applied .
Rider Substitution
Rider substitutions are not allowed.
*There will be top 5 awards given in each open race.
*Award winner must be present to receive awards. If awards are not picked up on Sunday
you will forfeit them, no exceptions. We DO NOT ship awards under any circumstances.
This pertains to the top 5 main race and the top 5 in the futurity. Awards will be given out
after the Sunday session.
*Vet releases must be in the main office by date on the entry forms applied to vet releases. Refunds will results in a refund of your entry fee only less 25%. PacWest will keep late fees, processing fees, and 25% of entry fees, no exceptions please do not ask.
*Vet releases must be received in the office by the date on the entry form which states vet release deadlines. No exceptions. It is your responsibility to ensure that PacWest has received your vet release by the deadline.
*Vet release must be from a certified vet only. We will not accept letters from
Chiropractors etc.
*There are no refunds for the futurity
Refund Checks
*Refund checks will be mailed out two weeks after the end of the race.
NSF-Returned Checks
There is a $35 service charge on all returned checks from the bank, for any reason. If
a check is not replaced with a cashier’s check or money order within 30 days after the
check is dated, the contestant will be put on the "ineligible" list and must pay by cash in
the future.
Tie for Prizes
If any contestants’ times are tied, the prize money will be split equally. The prize winner
will be determined by the toss of a coin, unless riders/winners can agree on award split.
Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
Photos and Video
PacWest Barrel Racing has a Photo/Video persona at every event. These photos/videos
are the property of PacWest.
If the timer fails to work properly you will be given a re-run, unless a barrel has been
knocked over, or you were off course. If you knocked a barrel or went off course in your original run you will not be granted a re-run. Any penalty occurring on the re-run shall result in a no time.
There shall be no selling of any type of merchandise or professional service on the arena
grounds, in stalls, or at trailers without a vendor contract with PacWest.
You may check into Stalls/RV at noon, and you MUST BE CHECKED OUT of your
stall/RV by noon. If not you will be charged for another day.
No outside shavings are allowed. No portable panels or tying horses to the trailers
overnight is allowed, if stalls are available.
If you would like to be stalled with your hauling partner you must place your hauling
partners name on the entry form space provided
Gate Check-In
Contestant must check in with the Gate Man a minimum of 5 horses before they run. If
you have a horse that does not allow you to check in please have someone check in for
you. Failure to do so will result in a disqualification. Contestant's name will be called by
the Gate Man three times, if the contestant does not acknowledge the gate man they will
be disqualified. The Gate Man will call you three times. If you still do not answer you
will be disqualified.
Circling Barrels
If you go off course you may complete your pattern. But you MAY NOT re-circle a
barrel. There will be a $25 fine for circling the barrel more than once. .
Open race: 5D format ½ second splits
Open race: 4D format 1/2, 1/2. whole (unless otherwise noted)
* Sidepots are paid off daily
The Open class, as its name implies, is open to all racers with no defined eligibility. It is
typically the race class with the most riders, the most added money, and, as a result, the
largest payouts.
The Youth class is for riders 18 or younger at time entry is mailed in
The Adult class is for riders who are 19 – 44 years old at time entry is mailed in
The Masters class is for riders 45 or older at time entry is mailed in
The Futurity class is open to all riders on horses which: have never competed in a
barrel race prior to December 1st of the prior calendar year (excluding timed runs and
exhibition runs); and were foaled during a year which precedes December 1st of last year
by 4 or less years (e.g., to be eligible for the futurity season commencing on December
1, 2010, the horse must be a foal of 2006 or later). The Futurity Class is for 4 and 5 year
olds but a horse can only be a futurity horse for one year.
If a Futurity is being produced as a standalone race, the producer will verify horse
eligibility and there will be no option to carryover times to the class; carry-overs from
the class, however, are allowed (e.g., from the Futurity to the Open). If the Futurity is
not being run as a standalone race, the race producer may opt to provide the class but all
times must be carried over into the class (i.e., there will be no actual rides).
For those race classes where rider eligibility is defined, PacWest makes the assumption
that riders entering that class are doing so honestlyPacWest will take no proactive steps
to assure such things as a rider’s age, horse ownership, or winnings. However, eligibility
requirements are defined to assure that riders in a given class are on an equal footing in
terms of eligibility. As a result, PacWest has an eligibility protest process. Any rider
who believes that a rider in any class is not eligible to run in that class will pay a $50
protest fee and must accompany the payment with evidence supporting the claim. If,
after PacWest investigates, it is found that the protest is valid, the fee will be returned to
the person who raised the protest and the rider in violation will be disqualified and must
forfeit any payouts won in the class from the point of ineligibility and forward. If the
protest is not valid, the $50 protest fee will be retained by PacWest.
Jackpots for a class are calculated by taking at least 70% of entry fees for that class plus
ALL of the added money. At the producer’s discretion, the percentage of entry fees
allocated to a jackpot may be increased. The only exception to this rule is in those cases
when a fixed payout is guaranteed by the producer; in that case, the entire fixed payout is
added to the jackpot.
For fixed payout races, payouts are published in advance of the race which identify how
much a finisher in division/place will receive. If not all places are a division are paid,
the producer may either allocate the unpaid money to others in the division or retain that
PacWest may, at its discretion, refrain from making payment to a racer until the racer has
remedied the situation which is causing the payment to be held. This includes—but is not
limited to--those who owe money, haven’t provided a Social Security Number, or are the
subject of an unresolved protest.
If contestant knocks down a barrel it is considered a no-time run. The rider’s time will be
announced but no moneys will be paid on the run. If a rider fails to complete a forward
cloverleaf pattern, it too will be considered a no-time. If a contestant runs out of draw
position, it will be considered a no-time if no producer error has occurred.
All contestants who enter by fax or mail or who enter at the arena must complete an entry
form, signed and dated, before they will be entered into the race. If under 18, then the
legal guardian must complete the form in its entirety. Those who enter online do not fill
out a form but their acknowledgement and agreement to the release information presented
during the online session will act as an electronic signature.
All riders who enter must provide the real name, preferably the registered name, of all
horses entered. Those entering more than one horse may not enter horses with generic
names (e.g., Horse 1, Horse 2); this opens the door to ground position manipulation and
will not be tolerated.
Pants, hat, long sleeve shirt and boots are required at all races. You will receive a $10
fine for violations. A $10 fine will also be accessed if a riders hat falls off in the arena.
If you owe any fine fees, you must pay these fees before you will be allowed to enter or
run in the next race.
Animal Abuse Will Not Be Tolerated. If you are seen spurring, whipping or excessively
jerking on your horse’s mouth, you will be disqualified! NO TOLERANCE. We all know
when this happens and when too much is too much. Please be kind to your horse.
Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. All contestants and their family members
are expected to display good sportsmanship at all times. No level of abuse toward any
animal at this event will be allowed. Foul language, misconduct or abusive comments
spoken to any contestant, spectator, staff member or volunteer will result in immediate
contestant disqualification and no refund of entry fees. Contestants are also responsible
for traveling companions and family members. All decisions made by the Race Director
are final. This section applies to race personnel as well.
A Carryover is the transfer of time from one class in which a rider races to another that
follows it in a race. It allows riders to enter a class without actually riding on their
horses. Riders may carryover their time from any race to another as long as the race from
which they are carrying their times was actually run. Multiple combinations of rides and
carryovers are allowed. The rider who chooses to carryover their time to a Class must pay
the same entry fee as those who ride in the class pay.
Riders who think they have requested their time to carryover into a race class but have
not properly filled out their entry form (paper or online) will be turned out if they do not
run; the Association will not change their run to a carryover unless the office staff has
made a mistake.
The rider must declare his or her intention to carryover when signing up for the first race.
A rider may change from a carry-over to a ride (or the other way around) if they have not
yet run in the class from which their time will carry AND the producer agrees to do it
based upon the office workload at the time of the request.
The draw will be done in random order using race management software. Once the draw
has been finalized by PacWest no changes can be made to it
Running a horse out of draw position will result in disqualification. Horses will be
entered into the race management system as indicated on the entry form. The draw will
be announced twice with both horse and rider combination. It is the rider’s responsibility
to make any corrections within that timeframe before the final draw is posted. During
large events, riders will be allowed to choose which section/day they would like to run,
however no specific draw position can be requested.
Handling of disputes/complaints: All complaints at any given event by a contestant
should be brought to the Producer’s attention in a professional, discreet manner.
Discretion with complaints is strongly advised so as not to perpetuate a situation that has
personal elements, not directly relating to the event at hand. All complaints are welcome,
and will be handled with great thought and consideration on both sides. Complaints in
writing are most suited, but private vocal complaints during an event are just as welcome.
Any person who purposefully disturbs or disrupts other contestants, flow of race,
race producers or arena officers, vendors or sponsors will be dealt with according
to hard-proven facts. Before a dispute is resolved, said person shall be placed on a
Probationary list and banned from all PacWest events until further outcome. It will
be the responsibility of the contestant to prove the disturbance was warranted and not
of a personal nature alone. Determination will be made by an impartial unpaid panel,
which will review all the facts and make a decision as to whether that contestant may
continue on at any/all Association events. Probationary periods may be imposed in lieu
of exclusion or a fine imposed as to the extent of any damages caused by such complaint.
Using abusive or intemperate language or attempting to threaten, bribe, influence, or harass any contestant, spectator, staff member, or Arena Personnel. Also, any remarks made with the intent to cast aspersions on the character or integrity of a PacWest staff member or management member.
Moving or attempting to move markers at any time.
Use of electronic and/or remotely controlled devices to alter the outcome of a run.
Abuse of a horse in any way.
Competing while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Misidentifying a horse in any PacWest Barrel Race class.
Misidentifying a rider in any PacWest Barrel Race class.
Other conduct that is not in the best interest of the PacWest Production, or its contestants.
Failure to make good on a returned check to PacWest
PacWest Management at their sole discretion shall have the authority to disqualify or deny entry to any horse they deem dangerous to the rider, or to other individuals, animals or property.
Pacwest reserves the right to create any new rule, or modify any existing rule, in order to better the sport or this barrel race.
Run with The Pac
Visit our sponsors pages, and thank them for being an important part of our sport.